Sunday, February 22, 2015

Question 1 Essay (Living Green)

            Living green helps the world become a better and healthier place to live. So isn’t it common sense that people should be trying to promote green practices? With major improvements in technology, the government should be leaning towards a more hybrid lifestyle. There are so many people in the world and it only takes a little from each to hugely impact the world. Without any effort towards a greener cause, the world would become so much dirtier with all the people living on it. Whether or not we are experiencing global climate change or global warming, it is still a fact that we are contributing to the destruction of our earth. Therefore, our nation’s government should be taking immediate action under such circumstances and should always be striving to help the world.
            When there is a crisis, it is necessary for a leader to fill in the spot. The world is becoming hotter and more crowded, and that is a crisis that America can take on. Since “America has a problem and the world has a problem”, (Source C) America can take this “opportunity” and lead the other countries by starting to break down our wasteful habits. It would cause change in other parts of the world and would help America get back on its feet. It is also important to note that in Source E, the United States and Japan, are really striving to make the best changes they can. Therefore, the other three countries (China, Russia, and India) should get ahold of a leading authority that would help benefit the world.
            America and many other countries have all the necessary resources to live greener, yet it is only the will that is stopping it. It says in Source A that “necessity is the mother of invention. When laws limit people, human ingenuity finds its foothold and invention takes the place of convention.” Therefore, everyone should be committed to making the world a healthier place to live in. Instead of waiting until it is dangerously necessary, why not start becoming greener gradually; because before you know it, it’ll be too late. It doesn’t kill a person to give three minutes to pick up a bottle and recycle it. In the long run, not doing so would waste more time due to dirtiness.

            Overall, it is possible for individuals to do their part inexpensively and productively as stated in Source A and Source F. There are so many ways to help the world become a better place and so many opportunities available as well. However, to really create worldwide change, the government must be committed to do so and without them, the world just dies more and more.

1 comment:

  1. A bit more could have been written to further explain why going green is a good thing. Three sources are the usual number because it is a good amount of sources. Two sources are somewhat unsatisfying to read because more resources can be used. The conclusion paragraph says that Source A and Source F was used but in reality Sources A and C were used. This error should be changed because it can mislead some people
